
Our Carbon Neutral Story
Hydroflux takes its climate responsibility seriously and building on our long-term sustainability strategy, the Hydroflux Group recently became a Climate Active certified carbon neutral business demonstrating its commitment to a brighter future.
This has involved a comprehensive review of carbon emissions, identification of carbon reduction opportunities and a long-term commitment to addressing climate change challenges.
Why Climate Active Certification?
Climate Active is a unique and ongoing partnership between the Australian Government and Australian businesses to encourage voluntary climate action.
It is the most credible way to prove a carbon neutral claim. Climate Active is a recognized comprehensive, robust and credible certification scheme and being carbon neutral certified under Climate Active demonstrates genuine leadership and commitment in reducing emissions and addressing climate change.
Our emissions are predominantly scope 3 in the supply chain and in purchased goods and services. Scope 2 electricity consumption is next largest followed by a small amount of scope 1 emissions, mainly transport fuel and refrigerant gases.
Our emissions reduction strategy focuses on energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable procurement, internal policies and procedures (e.g. minimizing travel and transitioning the vehicle fleet to EV) as well as improved waste management practices.
About Hydroflux
Hydroflux is a privately owned group of Australian businesses in the sustainable water engineering sector providing a wide range of solutions for the industrial and municipal sectors throughout Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.
The group encompasses specialist engineering business as well as a dedicated sustainability consulting division offering expert support and guidance to a broad range of clients.

As leaders in the water industry, we understand the complexity of the nexus between carbon emissions and water. Many renewable energy sources require fresh water requiring detailed knowledge about how methane and nitrous oxide are generated in the treatment of wastewater.
Hydroflux has this experience, as well as expertise around how much electricity is needed to remove contaminants and how much energy could be produced from organic wastes contained in wastewater.
We see our role as letting our clients know what’s possible. A lot of work still needs to be done in comparing the embedded carbon versus operational emissions over the project lifespan– for example, a lower embedded carbon piece of infrastructure might mean higher operational emissions in the years to come, or that it might need to be replaced more often, negating the benefit. The same can be said of building infrastructure with a large construction-related carbon footprint to achieve minor reductions in operational emissions. Hydroflux can assist in identifying the most optimal design and equipment selection decisions assisting our clients to meet their immediate and long-term carbon emissions targets.
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